Pingawings Preschool is open 38 weeks a year, 5 days a week.

Monday - Friday, TERM TIME ONLY.

(Please see Calendar page for holiday dates).

Our opening times are - 4.15pm.

We aim to be as flexible as possible so charge hourly not a fixed am/pm session rate 

 Pingawings Preschool hourly rate is as follows 2 year olds £6 per hour and 3 and 4 year olds £5.20 per hour

This can be paid weekly, monthly, half termly and each term.  Payment methods include: Cash, Cheque, Government scheme and Direct Debit

Childcare Vouchers are accepted at Pingawings Preschool - Contact management for more details.

At Pingawings Preschool we currently offer the 15 hours and 30 hours free funded places for children aged 2 , 3 and 4 years old  subject to receiving Lancashire County Council qualification code  - PLEASE contact management for further details.

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